How Is Ozone Used In Dentistry?

2 Oct


Ozone Therapy Definition, Benefits, and Side Effects

Similar to the ozone referred to in the outer atmosphere, dental ozone is a combination of three oxygen atoms joined together to form a compound. This oxygen is naturally occurring. It often is derived from ultraviolet energy or lightning. This compound can be created in a dental lab by use of a generator for ozone. The generator stimulates conditions similar to those stimulated by lightning hence making it possible to produce ozone.

Fighting oral infection: Through the application of a generator for ozone and medical oxygen, the corona-discharging responses produce enough ozone necessary for the destruction of pathogens living in the mouth that are prone to cause excessive dental damages.

Ozone therapy objectives: The objective entails: complete pathogen elimination, stimulating the body hence causing it to restore appropriate oxygen metabolism, increased circulation in the gum region, stimulating the body with an objective of causing it to generate antioxidant systems by its own, and activation of the body immune system to fight pathogens.

Scientific facts concerning ozone therapy: The creation of ozone takes place the moment energy passes into one normal O2 molecule making the molecule to divide into two molecules of O1. Ozone is a naturally occurring oxidant or oxidizer. These terms mean that ozone has the ability to receive an electron coming from another molecule. This will in turn add some oxygen to the molecule hence filling it with more oxygen.

Benefits of ozone:

Prevention and protection: Ozonized water is often used to disinfect and sterilize the mouth without having to use dangerous chemicals.

Treatment: Where gum diseases are involved, ozonized water or ozone itself can be applied to remove infections and bacteria without having to rely on toxic chemicals or antibiotics. Ozone can also be utilized to cure any size or type of infections.

Reversing of cavities: It may look a bit out of hand but since ozone is known to encourage body defenses to fight infections, ozone will also stimulate growth. This means the bone and gum surrounding areas which previously encountered bacterial attack will grow back.

Minimal invasion treatment: Ozone therapy has been considered quite dependable in solving dental problems. It is considered safe for use and one among the best dental treatment solutions available today.

Some of the secondary but positive effects deriving from ozone therapy might include: lesser need for sleep; falling asleep easily and much faster and having restful sleep; a surge in physical energy; radiation of the skin with a healthy look; strengthening of nails and hair and having them grow much faster and longer.

Side effects of ozone therapy

Accidentally inhaling ozone could lead to insignificant eye burning symptoms, nausea, coughing, mild headache, or vomiting in individuals who are quite sensitive. Rectal ozone administration can rarely cause mild discomfort, mild cramps, gurgling, or the need to pass gas. These feelings are only slight and might pass on quickly. At time patients could get some healing reaction (Herxheimer) in which a patient gets symptoms that resemble a flu or perhaps feel a little worse although temporarily. Through the therapy session the situation will improve. The side effect may not be directly attributed to the ozone but to the natural process of healing in other systems as well.

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