When you brush and floss regularly, your teeth stay strong, healthy and clean. But we’re not so sure it’s a good thing when a tooth is standing on your toothbrush handle. Get started on the path toward keeping your teeth where they belong for your entire life when you contact Capri Modern Dentistry San Diego
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A crest is a tuft of feathers or the top of a mountain. Colgate is a town in Wisconsin or, in some old usages, a gate that leads to the place where the coal is. Really. So what brand or flavor is your fave? The most important thing is that you use something regularly –
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The result is amazing for your dental and oral health. Mr. Floss might seem like he’s getting in the way of a perfect marriage, but he’s an essential part of a healthy mouth too. (Don’t read any relationship advice into this post, please.) Learn how your teeth are doing and how they can be better
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We aren’t just dental and oral health experts, we’re toothpaste experts too. Minty toothpaste can remove the smell of garlic, onions and even fish from your hands when rubbed on gently. Just don’t reuse that bit of paste for brushing! Please don’t come to us for more household cleaning tips, but if you need a
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Our preferred method is to squeeze the toothpaste from the end, then roll when it’s nearly empty to get every last tooth-polishing bit. However you get the stuff out, brushing your teeth can save them from decay and prevent gum disease too. Contact Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego for a free oral health consultation
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OK, you probably don’t need quite that much toothpaste when you brush, but you desperately need to remember to brush and floss at least twice a day – and preferably after every meal – for great lifetime dental health. To see how you’re doing with your oral health routine, let us discuss it with you
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Whether you use an electric toothbrush or the old-fashioned kind, frequent replacement means bristles that clean better and means that you to throw away any bacteria, germs and gunk that isn’t washing away – so change your toothbrush when the seasons change and you’ll always remember. No matter what brush you use, contact Capri Modern
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Before toothpaste, people used lots of abrasive and sometimes-dangerous things to clean their teeth. Some people still do. Fortunately, toothpaste makes cleaning your teeth easier and more effective than ever. Why not try some toothpaste twice today? To see how you’re doing and for a free oral health consultation, call Capri Modern Dentistry in San
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Teach your child how much toothpaste to use because using too much is wasteful and could be a choking hazard for your little one – and besides, the good stuff can be expensive. If you’re concerned about your child’s dental or oral health, call Capri Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for a
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